Marquees and social distancing

Corona virus has placed the U.K in lockdown, temporarily closing many businesses and forcing those still trading to obey social distancing rules.
As we begin to exit lock down social distancing will remain a key part of our lives. In order to operate under these conditions businesses will need to adapt to protect staff and customers.
Marquees can be used to create a larger canteen area for staff to take their breaks whilst obeying social distancing. They can create a temporary extension to shop floors or warehouse areas. They could also provide a drive through customer collection area.
We can supply a range of marquees from 3m to 12m in width, increasing in length by 3m sections. Our marquees are free standing so can be erected on hard standing as well as on grass. A range of flooring options are available to make sure things stay dry under foot.
Marquees can be joined to each other and to buildings. They can also be adapted to travel over differences in height. A range of lighting and heating is available.
We can provide vinyl floor coverings which can be moped down and a range of furniture including easy to clean plastic chairs and tables.
Price reductions are available on long term hires and a marquee can be installed at short notice or outside of normal business hours. We also carry £10 million of public liability insurance for peace of mind.
If you would prefer to purchase a new or used marquee we would be happy to discuss your requirements.
We have years of experience in providing temporary structures across Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire and London, having supported annual events in locations including Aldershot, Fleet and Basingstoke.
A marquee can be a simple and quick solution to create the additional space required to meet social distancing requirements. Doing so could allow your business to function in these difficult times. Please contact us if you would like further information.